We are passionate about restoring—and enhancing—
your comfort and confidence.


In the intimacy of our offices, we will learn more about your unique situation by listening to you and conducting a thorough medical evaluation. We then collaborate regarding which course of treatment we can propose for you, discussing any alternative therapies, risks, and benefits.
Feel at ease knowing that our doctors can consult with you in either French or English.


Whether for a routine examination, or if you are concerned about a specific gynecological problem, our specialist doctors will work diligently to help optimize your health. In case you need an operation, you will be welcomed at the Montreal Institute of Specialized Surgery. Consultations are offered for all types of benign gynecological conditions, including:

  • Routine exam, Pap test
  • STBBI screening
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Birth control
  • Intra-uterine polyps or fibroids
  • Colposcopy
  • Hysteroscopy



Our medical experts have great compassion for treating children and youth who may find it difficult to share their concerns about their “private areas.” Our experience includes treating these conditions:

  • Ovarian Cyst
  • Precocious and late puberty
  • Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation)
  • Abnormal periods


  • Vulvitis
  • Acrochordon
  • Vulvar cysts
  • Vulvar nevus
  • Labia minora hypertrophy
  • Lichen sclerosis/planus
  • Lichen simplex


Our specialists will do a pelvic floor assessment and will suggest treatments appropriate for your lifestyle, your health, and your age.  You will have many options before even considering surgery.  

Assessment of urinary incontinence:  Urinary incontinence greatly affects quality of life.  It needs to be investigated and thoroughly evaluated.  We have many treatment options for you.

  • Cystocele (descent of bladder)
  • Rectocele (prolapse of the rectum into the vaginal mucos)
  • Uterine prolapse (descent of the uterus)
  • Stress urinary incontinence (leakage under moments of physical exertion)
  • Overactive bladder (urination urgency)


Peri-menopause is a transitional phase in a women’s aging and health that can begin as early as 40 years old. It extends until menstruation has completely stopped for at least a year. Several changes can occur during the months preceding the onset of menopause: menstrual irregularities, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, decreased libido, fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating and sleeping, joint pain and weight gain. Our doctors specializing in menopause will be able to put you at ease as they answer your questions regarding all these changes, and define a unique therapeutic resolution which may include: 


During your consultation, you will be able to discuss local or systemic hormone replacement with one of our doctors. The risks and benefits will be clearly explained to you, empowering you to make an informed choice.

Treatment of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GUSM: vulvovaginal atrophy, vaginal dryness). Our specialists will discover the cause of your discomfort, and help you find relief through one of several efficient treatments.


Our professionals can evaluate your eligibility for the use of Bio Identical hormone therapy. Together, we will be able to assess the risks and benefits to you and find the appropriate treatment plan for your specific situation.


With great care and discretion, we will work with you to alleviate any social, psychological, and physical pain you may be suffering from associated due to sexual dysfunctions such as

  • Arousal disorder
  • Difficulty with excitement and orgasm
  • Marital problems related to sexual relations
  • Gender dysphoria
  • Dyspareunia (pain during intercourse)
  • Female genital mutilation/cutting


Emsella and Emfemme technologies:

Emsella offers a fresh approach in the management of vulvar pain and sexual health in both women and men.

O-Shot and G-Shot: 

Under local anesthesia, these cosmetic treatments use PRP (platelet-rich plasma drawn from your own blood) or Hyaluronic acid as way to amplify the sensitivity of your genitals. Injecting these fluids into the tissue of your clitoris, genital lips, and vagina, resulting in heightened sexual pleasure, and easier, more intense orgasm.


Should you need surgery, we will be there for you every step of the way. We can help with:

  • Ovarian cysts
  • Vulvar and vaginal cysts
  • Vulvar aesthetic surgery to correct congenital malformations following female genital mutilation, or for hypertrophy of the genital lips
  • Vestibulectomy
  • Hymenectomy
  • Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy
  • Total laparoscopic hysterectomy
  • Repair of cystocele, rectocele
  • Treatment of urinairy incontinence
  • Gender reassignment treatments
  • Etc




This groundbreaking technology treats urinary incontinence (leakage) in men and women non-invasively, painlessly, and efficiently. As the physical symptoms of your incontinence disappear over a course of treatments, you’ll experience the powerful sense of ease and confidence that comes with feeling back in control of your body.

Emsella is a new treatment for patients with urinary incontinence (leakage).

Emsella can offer you the following benefits:

  • Strengthen the pelvic floor muscle group (like upgraded Kegel exercises). 
  • Exert a calming effect on overactive bladder and urge incontinence.
  • This state-of-the art technology is approved by Health Canada for the treatment of stress incontinence, urge incontinence (overactive bladder) and mixed urinary incontinence.


How does Emsella work?

Emsella deploys High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Energy (HIFEM) to provoke Kegel-type contractions of the pelvic floor muscles. The quality and quantity of contractions/Kegels done during a 28-minute session is vastly superior to what a person could generate unassisted.

Emsella VS vaginal lasers  

Vaginal lasers stimulate collagen production and blood supply around the urethra, improving vaginal wall thickness and elasticity. Emsella strengthens the entire pelvic floor muscle group so is a potent targeted treatment for incontinence.

EmFemme 360

EmFemme 360 ​safely and innovatively uses radiofrequency energy to increase the temperature in the vaginal and vulvar tissues issues— which stimulates local blood circulation and production of collagen in this area. The result is a reduction in muscle tension, pain, and the vaginal discomfort— or laxity— which can often follow vaginal birth. With no “down time” or surgical intervention, EmFemme 360 tightens and tones the vaginal canal.  Whether you seek relief from urinary incontinence, or from weakened pelvic floor muscles due to pregnancy or menopause, the technology of EmFemme 360 creates a more “youthful” vagina; and consequently, often more pleasurable sexual experiences.

Mona Lisa Touch Laser

This technology works effectively to treat the genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GUSM: vulvovaginal atrophy, thinning of the vaginal mucosa) by regenerating the vaginal mucosa. It relieves vaginal dryness in the vast majority of cases. With this technology we can work together to positively support your sexual health, and help you overcome the problems of painful sexual relations (which may accompany menopause).

Who this technology is for: 

  • Postmenopausal woman with dryness, vaginal burning
  • Postmenopausal woman who experience painful intercourse
  • Woman with contraindication to hormonal treatment (breast cancer, thromboembolic disease) and presenting symptoms of GUSM